Martha Agwang Foundation formerly known us (UYDT)

Martha Agwang Foundation formerly known us (UYDT) is a nonprofit in Bukedea District in the Eastern Region of Uganda. We provide education and training to people living on less than $1/day to help facilitate their own self-generated development in education, income generation, health, human rights, gender sensitivity, civic participation and more

About Us

Martha Agwang Foundation aims to empower marginalized people living in rural communities in the Eastern region of Uganda by providing education, skills training, and rural development interventions.

Martha Agwang Foundation formerly known us (UYDT)

is a nonprofit in Bukedea District in the Eastern Region of Uganda. We provide education and training to people living on less than $1/day to help facilitate their own self-generated development in education, income generation, health, human rights, gender sensitivity, civic participation and more. Our programs include a vocational institute for skilling, Martha’s palace Guest house as residence for our guests, a Teenage Center and medical clinic, a farm, Village projects initiated and tailored to the needs of the communities.

The Foundation uses a holistic and integrated approach to improve knowledge, attitudes and practices with in communities concerning different issues.
We also incorporates innovative strategies to reach out and engage youths, local leaders, and other stakeholders through partnerships, social media, advocacy, accountability, and community engagement to share information.

Our Projects

Martha Agwang Foundation works with other developmental partners/organizations that support the lives of vulnerable groups. The organizations partner with Stiching Weeshuis Nijkerk, TWAM, Seed Money, and Rotary clubs and have complimented our work. We like working with like-minded organizations for better networking and collaboration. Our partners help us create the impact we want in the communities we work with.

Impaired but independent

The impaired but independent project activities are prioritized to support the economic development of the…

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School Garden Project

The Agwang Foundation formally called UYDT is an indigenous community based organization that works in…

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Women empowerment program

Empowering women and promoting gender equality is crucial in accelerating sustainable development and Transformation. Ending…

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A center for transformation excellence and development that integrates skills, knowledge, and creativity to enhance sustainable development, Transformation, and self-reliance among the people.
• To facilitate integrated, self-generating development of rural communities using an approach that combines rural development projects with conscious raising, training, education, and information sharing so that knowledge remains resident with the people as they gradually change the quality of their lives.

• To provide rural people with the mental tools and practical skills needed to become productive members of their communities, fulfill their aspirations, and become self-reliant.

• To enable the people of the Eastern Region of Uganda and Bukedea District in particular to recognize and embody a common vision, and values and to work together to create for themselves PEACE, PROSPERITY, HEALTH, FREEDOM, AND HAPPINESS as they discover that they are the key to their development.

• To enable people to tap their innate power and wisdom to create an environment that fosters personal and communal growth.
• To enable people to recognize the inner relationship between development concerns in health, nutrition, sanitation, water management, rural technologies, income generation, and environment so that they have a holistic approach to their development.

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