
Martha Agwang foundation Sustainability department

The foundation since its initiation till date runs as a non-government organization, however, the grants and donations are not yet very sustainable enough for the foundation’s budget. So the foundation team thought it wise to have the department called “the Sustainability department” which will have small business project so that its product are sold to […]

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Benches and office furniture to rural schools in Bukedea

In Uganda; the Government aided primary schools lack a lot of resources and hence and prooned to so many vulnerabilities to operate well. For example; schools in the rural areas in the Eastern Region of Uganda where Martha Foundation operates. Out of the 100 government primary schools in Bukedea District 78% of them lack classroom

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MA Foundation Menstrual management in primary schools of Bukedea District “Pads  for Her”

The MA foundation is helping teenage girls make their own reusable sanitary pads, enabling them to attend school, supporting them with their lives and livelihoods. The initiative sofar is planned for the government aided primary schools in Bukedea District and it started in 2022. Rural families often cannot afford sanitary products, which are prohibitively expensive.

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Impaired but independent

The impaired but independent project activities are prioritized to support the economic development of the communities and especially people with disabilities.  People with disabilities in Agwang Foundation are referred to as being impaired. People with an impairment/disabilities are like all other people world over They have dreams, ambitions and hopes for the future; including education,

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