In Uganda; the government aided schools especially in the rurally communities are the most populated with limited resources and yet that is where children of the rural poor or disadvantage go for school. Bukedea District in General has been ranked one of the most vulnerable Districts in terms of Malaria. Recent studies show that for any development and transformation to take place; there is need to improve education and not just education but quality education.
The Government of Uganda has tried to give out Nets to the communities of Bukedea in a bid to fight malaria which were not even enough for every households. Although the act of net supply can be termed fighting malaria; it left a lot that needs to be done.
Martha Agwang Foundation; assessment showed that the most vulnerable group where the children of P7 in the Government aided primary schools of Bukedea District. This is because; a lot is expected from this candidate class in terms of performance and getting good grades; forcing the rural poor schools to house these children even in poor environment like open classes be used as night lesson classes, dormitories where the children sleep which are very prone to mosquitoes and hence malaria. So in a bid to improve education in the schools of Bukedea; the foundation members agreed to the “malaria Control, prevention and treatment project for Primary seven pupils” so as to support their education.
The mission of the foundation, in this particular Malaria prevention project is to ignite a Bukedea District campaign for the eradication of Malaria in the whole district though with limited resources. As a club we are glad and greatly appreciate malaria partners international for joining us in the fight against malaria in Bukedea District.
This report gives highlights on the projects objectives, project activities, achievements made so far, Club members participation, challenges, and lessons learnt, recommendation and conclusion. We hope you enjoy reading the report.
2. Project Overall Goal
To improve on health and performance of children in primary seven of government aided schools in Bukedea District.
3.0 Target Group
Children of primary seven class (P.7) at government aided schools with in Bukedea District.
4.0 Project Objectives
- To improve on the pupils environment at school like have mosquito -proff room
- To test and treat children of Primary seven of government aided schools.
- To improve on the health and productivity of these children
- To influence policy makers in a fight against malaria.
- To create awareness on malaria to different stake holders like children, parents, school administrators and local government officials.
- To involve different stakeholders in a fight against malaria (parents, children, schools and local government administration.
- To create an infrastructure for the creation of a joint and collaborative movement to keep the children malaria free so that they can be successful in pursuit of quality education and better life.
5.0 Project Activities
- Sensitizing schools and parents on the dangers of malaria
- Work on the rooms (classes and dormitories) to make them mosquitoes free
- Testing and treatment
- Provide nets
- Monitor and evaluate the progress of the project
Achievements so far;
The foundation has supported over 50 primary schools with improved rooms, testing and treatment and also supply of nets to each school.
Sensitization of communities has been done through radios, churches
Over 3000 nets have been given to government aided primary schools